Ain’t Life Sweet?!?

I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. Hello! I’m Michele, and I have had a lifelong obsession with all things beautiful! I love finding old or unloved objects and turning them into something wonderful to look at and enjoy. Nothing gets me to U-turn faster than seeing a piece of wooden furniture on the side of the road waiting for the garbage man! Some may say that I have rarely met an orphaned piece of furniture that I didn’t want to rescue.

I find such beauty in a piece that has history to it. Even if I don’t know its history, it gives me such delight to look at an old vanity and imagine a glamorous woman in the 30’s getting ready for an evening out on the town. Taking that old vanity and transforming it into its former beauty and glamour makes me giddy! I am not a “function first” kinda gal. Meaning, I want all of my pieces to be functional, of course, but I feel like if it has to be utilized, why not make it something that you love to look at too? My home is full of reclaimed, refinished furniture that is beautiful, well-loved, and brings me joy.

I would describe my style as, what I like to call, “lived-in glamour”. I adore a gorgeous crystal chandelier above a worn, chippy table. I truly don’t believe that there is such a thing as having too many chandeliers! 😉 I don’t like anything that is too “precious” or stuffy. For me, the interest of a piece comes once it has been lived in, over time. I have an old wooden chair that was my Grampa’s. The stain is worn down and discolored where his hands rested. That chair tells a story and is part of his history. THAT is the type of thing that gives me all the feels and helps to explain my passion for taking old pieces and turning them into something to be loved and enjoyed again. I am super excited to start this blog and share my passion, showing others how to preserve the past by transforming reclaimed “junk” into sweet little treats for the home!



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2 thoughts on “Ain’t Life Sweet?!?

  1. I have seen first hand how Michele reacts to old, abandoned furniture. I don’t think she has ever seen or heard about a piece she didn’t want. Each one is like the first one she ever discovered. I have seen her disappear into where she stores her treasures for hours ( I think she is feeding them) and reappear refreshed and happy. She truly adores what she does, and after seeing the transformation I can attest the she is really good at it. Check out her website if you are looking for quality, one of a kind pieces.

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